Tilt! is a big, enthralling wine that hits every target, shoots every ramp and lights up every light. This Napa Valley Red Wine is a blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Petite Sirah made for you pinball wizards looking to shake things up.
We love pinball and Tilt!’s label proudly features a closeup of our very own vintage pinball machine enjoyed by guests here in Calistoga. Playing it reminds us of our wines - both are immersive, interactive experiences that are feasts for the senses.
Once thought of as a game of chance, and not skill, pinball was miscast as gambling and banned in the United States, leading to prohibition-style police raids of parlors harboring machines. But it’s actually a game of skill, and one way players can influence the movement of the ball is by nudging or bumping the pinball machine. To combat this, pinball manufacturers installed “tilt” mechanisms which penalize excessive manipulation.
Pinball is now universally recognized as a game of skill, where the best players push the envelope without going full “tilt.” This is our winemaking philosophy at Tank, through skill (and a little moxie) we can push the limits, maximizing flavors for pure enjoyment, taking your palate right to the edge without going over. Which is exactly what you need.